With a total project cost of $105,000, Frankenmuth's Downtown Development Authority, Michigan, USA, will replace 120 street
light systems on Main and 25 cobra-head
light fixtures Weiss streets with
LED. Michigan Energy Office awarded the project Advanced
Lighting Technology Demonstration Grant of more than $70,000 funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The Frankenmuth DDA also matched $35,000 for the project.
The DDA estimates the retrofitted street
lights will cut energy costs by 60 percent in the demonstration area of Main and Weiss streets and a 20 percent overall savings of about $11,000 per year. The city and DDA share commercial
lighting costs 25 percent and 75 percent, respectively.
Department of Public Works employees will install the new, U.S.- and Michigan-made
lights and complete the project by June 30.