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Nova Scotia mandates conversion to full LED streetlighting
Authors£º Updated£º2012/9/17 11:37:08 Hits£º401´Î
The Province of Nova Scotia, Canada has passed a law requiring the conversion of 120,000 roadway lights to LED lighting. The completion of this project is expected to be by 2023. This move has made it the first jurisdiction in North America to mandate the use of energy-efficient LED roadway lighting.

"With LED road lighting, Nova Scotia will save millions of dollars by using about half the energy of current lighting, and improve our air quality while reducing our carbon footprint," said Mr. Parker. The Province has an estimated 120,000 street lights. The regulations require that Nova Scotia Power complete its conversion by December 31, 2019, while municipalities will have until December 31, 2022.

The majority of the street lights are owned and operated by Nova Scotia Power, while 10% belong to municipalities. Electricity cost in Halifax for residents is $0.14/kWh, with most of it being supplied by coal-burning power plants.

The first plan to mandate the use of LED street lighting in Nova Scotia was proposed by Province Premier Darrell Dexter almost a year and a half ago. At that time a 5-year conversion was proposed and the estimated cost of installing the 120,000 street lights was $100 million. It was also estimated at the time that energy savings upon full conversion would be $18 million per year.

Now the province has stated that the regulations are expected to save $5 million a year in energy costs upon full conversion with additional savings in maintenance cost. Nova Scotia Power is proposing a new rate plan for street-light customers that will not increase annual costs for seven years and rate reduction is available if they use Nova Scotia Power-owned lights. Municipalities that choose to own their own lights could also benefit from lower financing costs.


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