The city of Bakersfield,
California, is preparing its fourth pilot installation of
LED streetlights. Three previous installations were deployed along collector and arterial roadways in high profile segments of the city.
Approximately seventy LED fixtures from various manufacturers were used in the earlier pilots.
LED streetlight fixtures included those manufactured by Cree, Holophane, and Leotek, and were used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of energy efficient solid-state lighting. The upcoming installation includes approximately nineteen
LED streetlights manufactured by Holophane. These fixtures will also be equipped with a remote monitoring system.
City officials are proposing to use the on-bill financing as a means for securing funds up to $250,000 for the purchase and installation of
LED streetlights. A project location has not yet been identified, but officials are working to select an area of focus within the city. The goal is to begin by Summer 2013, and the city will issue a bid request for the purchase and installation of the
LED streetlights.