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PGE Announces the Installation of 26,000 LED Streetlights
Authors£º Updated£º2013/7/10 9:27:29 Hits£º3107´Î

Portland General Electric (PGE) recently announced a large scale installation of LED streetlights with the goal of reducing energy consumption and costs for its municipal customers. The first deployment was conducted in February 2013, in Clackamas County, and focused on taking the places of 8,000 high pressure sodium (HPS) cobra-head streetlights with LED streetlights. Ultimately, PGE plans to replace 26,000 HPS streetlights throughout forty-seven cities and five counties.

The first installations will focus on lower wattage roadway streetlights followed by intersection lighting. PGE is providing its customers with the choice of LED cobra-head fixtures manufactured by either Cree Lighting or Leotek Electronics. Nearly 4,000 LED streetlights have already been installed. Most of the conversions will be completed by the end of 2014. "While we are primarily focused on replacing cobra-head fixtures, we are working on evaluating options for decorative streetlights as well", said Brianne Hyder, spokesperson for PGE.

The communities participating in the LED streetlight program involve the counties of Clackamas, Columbia, Washington, Multnomah, Polk, Marion, and Yamhill. The cities of Estacada, West Linn, and Oregon City have been among the first cities to receive the new fixtures. PGE will pay the capital costs of the conversions and then pass the savings to its customers.


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